Lär känna mig... typ?

Jag vet att detta inte är de roligaste att läsa. Men jag har faktiskt pluggat trigonometri hela dagen & jag är SÅ trött så jag tycker jag förtjänar att göra en sådan här lista. Ni kanske får veta något nytt om mig, man vet aldrig! ♥

Promise to be honest?  Yes.

What does people think about you: Crazy & only thinking about Asia, most probable

What do you think about yourself: Dreamer with high ambitions

What would you do if you won 1 million: Give some to my family & then save the rest

What do you want right now: A nice body, driver's license, motivation

How do I impress you: HUMOUR (word Shopgirl!)

Are you in love?  No, I don't think I have time for that

Outside or Inside?  80% inside, 20% outside

Are you shy? Not generally

Are you spoiled? Yes, very spoiled. But I am thankful for what I get.
What is the best thing? Summer, friends & music ♥

What is the worst thing? Hypocrites, war & bad teachers (<- hahah... just had to)!

Do you usually get drunk? No, it takes a lot for me to get drunk. Balkan genes!

Where do you live: In a suburb to Växjö

Favourite drink: I haven't tried any, but there's several I'd love to drink

Favourite meal: Sushi california rolls, best food evarrrr!

Favourite brand on clothes: I'm not really a brand-person,

Favourite dreamdestination: Hawaii & Bora Bora

How do you feel right now? Happy and tired

When did you wake up this morning? 10.30

Latest song you listened to? Lee Jung Hyun - Michyeo

Latest book you read? Gå ner i vikt med kognitiv beteendeterapi, ...it's really interesting!

Latest movie you watched? I have no idea, but I watched the Pride & prejudice-series yesterday!

How often do you work out? If dancing counts, then 8 times a week

What are you longing for? Summer & a mindblowing SM-hit by DBSK!

What is your next goal? This question makes me stressed, haha. Finish IB1 maybe? No! Start writing my Extended Essay.

When do you want to get married? Somewhere between 25-30, maybe?

Do you smoke? I can't smoke, I look so retarded with a cigarette in my mouth, like a dead fish!

Jag är en rolig pys. Eh. Eh..
Nu ska jag gå och plugga trigonometri.

Postat av: shopgirls shanghai

haha you go girl!!!!!!!!

2009-03-22 @ 23:48:41
URL: http://www.metrobloggen.se/shopgirl
Postat av: Nayu

Haha, gillar svaret på sista frågan.

Nej men faktiskt tycker jag det är kul att läsa såna här listor speciellt om det är intressanta personer som du som skriver svaren.


2009-03-23 @ 19:50:36
URL: http://dontstealoursun.blogspot.com

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